General information

Work Packages

  • WP1.Detailed numerical study of reactive particle-turbulence coupling
  • WP2.Experimental investigation of a single particle combustion
  • WP3.Model development for oxy-coal boiler CFD simulations
  • WP4.Numerical simulation of Mild Oxy combustion real scale boilers
  • WP5.Exergo-ecological assessment

Project information

The idea of this project is to demonstrate advantages of new combustion technology which combines advantages of MILD combustion with advantages of oxy combustion, and which can be used for CO2 separation. It is expected that thanks to this combination energy consumption for external recirculation will be eliminated and that flue gases will be of significantly better purity. Moreover it is expected that better fuel flexibility of the boiler will be achieved and that it will open possibility of pulverized coal combustion in small boilers. The primary idea, which will be verified in the project, is that high pressure oxygen is injected to the combustion chamber and due to it's high momentum high entrainment rate is achieved which results in dilution of oxygen before the contact of oxygen and fuel takes place. In other words high momentum of oxygen will generate internal combustion of flue gases. It is planned that the concept will be verified and evaluated using mathematical modeling, because it is far more cost effective method than experimental assessment. Currently existing mathematical models of a single particle combustion has been developed for standard combustion conditions and can not be applied to evaluate new, very different technology. Therefore it is planned that new combustion model of a single particle combustion, dedicated for MILD oxy combustion, will be developed. The best available method of modeling, which bases on DNS approach will be used. It is planned that the model will be verified using dedicated test stand of a single particle combustion. New model of the single particle combustion will be than incorporated in CFD code, such as for example Fluent, as a user defined function. In the final stage of the project technology of Mild Oxy combustion will be evaluated from the environmental and economical point of view.


Project cost/Grant amount


1 474 090 EUR


Duration of the project


01 May 2014- 30 April 2017