
  • 2.1.Upgrading existing test stand and make it usable for investigation of fine particle combustion
  • 2.2.Developing procedure of measurement and procedure of experimental data processing
  • 2.3.Performing a series of experiments for selected fuel in different temperatures and atmospheres
  • 2.4.Performing a series of experiments for different fuels
  • 2.5.Attempt to use infrared camera (IR) for measuring temperature of a particle

Work Package 2 information

WP 2 leader: Wojciech Adamczyk/PhD

The main objective of this WP is to collect a set of experimental data of single particle
combustion in different atmospheres and different temperatures. This data will be used for validation of the DNS model which will be developed within WP1.
In order to complete this task first the existing at the SUT test stand for investigation of large particle combustion will be upgraded in order to make it usable for measuring fine particle measuring. It is planned that hot gases of the controlled composition will be delivered to the measurement area in which fuel particles will be injected. Trajectories of the particles will be measured using PIV technique. Basing on the particle trajectories it will be estimated mass of a particle as a function of combustion time. Moreover it will be done attempt to use IR camera for measuring temperature of a particle.
Once the test stand will be ready for measurement it will be developed measuring procedure which will allow to convert measurement data to the function of fuel burn-out as a function of atmosphere and temperature.
Next step in this WP it will be performing a series of measurement for different temperatures, atmospheres and different types of fuel using developed procedure.

Experimental results obtained in WP2 are necessary for validating the DNS numerical model of a single particle combustion developed in WP1. WP2 is very close connected with WP1 and these two packages treated together will be a base for WP3 which is devoted to developing RANS model of a pulverized fuel combustion.